One year after the tragic event, they begin receiving messages from an enigmatic figure using the signature “A” who threatens to expose their secrets, including gingerly hidden ones they thought only Alison knew. However, it couldn’t be Alison. Could it? Whoever it is, they seem to keep a close watch on them. In the end, the four estranged friends join forces against this anonymous foe, but will they be there for each other if some of their ugliest secrets come to light?
Once a chubby girl, Hanna Marin reduced her weight after Alison’s disappearance and took her place as the most popular girl at Rosewood. Destitute of her father’s attention, Hanna uses to shoplift. Spencer Hastings can be seen as an overachiever pretty girl from a wealthy family. She made a habit of stealing her sister’s boyfriends, including Ian Thomas and her fiancée, Wren Kim. After a year in Iceland, Aria Montgomery and her family move back to Rosewood. She becomes romantically involved with Ezra Fitz, the new English teacher. A competitive swimmer, Emily Fields is the new resident of Alison’s former home. After a lot of confusion, Emily realizes that she is a lesbian.
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